The shadow effect dvd

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The Shadow Effect is an emotionally-gripping, visually-compelling docudrama that reveals why suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts leads to behavior that continually unseats politicians, destroys celebrity careers, destabilizes the economy and affects the lives of millions each year.

In this age of public humiliation and media meltdowns, the work of New York Times best selling author, Debbie Ford, continues to make headway as she exposes the opposing forces of both light and dark that compete for attention within every human being. In her film debut, The Shadow Effect, Ford presents the hidden power of “the Shadow” alongside some of today’s most provocative thinkers including Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Mark Victor Hansen, James Van Praagh and others.

In this life-altering journey, individuals who have transcended child abuse, racism, the Holocaust, war, and wounded upbringings, share their remarkable stories. Meet those who have learned to face their terror, heal their wounds, and embrace their higher, heroic selves to overcome the shadow effect

 It shows how our personal and collective shadows influence our lives. it wasn’t typically something i’d usually watch. I’m not very religious and not really sure how i feel about spiritual life.   but i can understand trying to reach my greatness and wanting to feel like I’m someone. So it was very interesting watching this and learning ways i could become a better person and achieve more. 

for more info on the movie please visit

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2 thoughts on “The shadow effect dvd

  1. I’m curious about your comment relating religion to a spiritual life. Do you see them as the same thing? I’m curious because at one point I really saw them as connected and today I see them as totally different. Religion being a set of doctrines to follow–rules set up to control others and a Spiritual Life more in line with quantum physics… What do you think?

  2. Hi Brandy,

    I think many of the people in the movie had spiritual beliefs and tied the concepts back to that, but I think the main philosophy about us all having ‘shadows’ can really come down to a better understanding of the human mind, what information is stored in our minds and how it manifests itself in our lives. That is a non-religous/non-spiritual point that is really the main point.

    Do you agree or disagree? Just curious.

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