Fiber One yogurt with 50 calories

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Best-selling author and food expert Lisa Lillien, AKA Hungry Girl, has given her “seal of approval” to the new Fiber One yogurt, the only leading nonfat yogurt with 50 calories and 5 grams of fiber (20 percent of the Recommended Daily Value). It is also a good source of calcium and vitamins A and D, making this an all-around great choice for dieters and those watching their weight. Each cup includes the creamy, delicious taste you expect from Yoplait, and you don’t have to feel guilty about enjoying it. Fiber One is available in a variety of flavors including, Strawberry, Peach, Vanilla and Key Lime Pie

I recieved a coupon to try it out.  I tried the Strawberry, and i have to say it was very good. tastes like regular yougurt , but better for you. I’ve traded my usual snack of chips, or some other unhealthy food for this yogurt.


Thanks to my blogspark for this opportunity, i recieved a fiber one prize pack as compensation

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