Fiber for all

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Fiber for All is dedicated to the mission of advancing the development and expansion of fiber technology in America. We believe that every American should have access to the speed and freedom that fiber to the home can offer.

The internet is used for everything, blog picture sharing, keeping connected with relatives, even college classes.  I even took high school classes online a while back. Why own a T.V, when you can watch movies, news, talk with others. If the internet was the only technology avalable to us, i think people would be fine. The internet is T.V., a phone, a video camera,  and more!

I have basic high speed internet or WIFI, but it still goes slow, it really depends on your computer. Imagine all the possiblities that the internet can do. I live over 2000 miles away from all my family and the internet is my sanctuary. I keep in contact, I’m a blogger, It’simages of my kids, my latest source of information, my phone and more!  With Fiber optic Internet speeds are 15% faster!

I wish I had Fiber for all, It’s the way of the future! And who wants to be stuck with slow internet speed, or lose connection at all. Some people have access to fiber via services like Verizon FiOS and AT&T U-Verse they are the small minority. The fiber infrastructure of the United States needs to be improved to help foster innovation and technological advancement.    I’m not one of them, I am probably one of the few with only a land line. Plus i use cable internet phone.  The problem is when your internet is out so is your phone. thats not a ideal situation, exspecially if you have three small children like me. Always need a way to contact authorities.

My husband is a college student and on the computer constintly, weather its to post homework online, work on a research project or find a science journal. I can’t tell you how many times he has lost connection in the middle of a assignment or the computer froze. we really need to switch To Fiber Optic, because the internet is keeping us sane! (I don’t mean that badly, it helps us stay connected, find out info when our kids are sick, homework and more)

Fiber for All is having a contest for bloggers and twitter users.

FiOS Triple Play Bundleyou could win this package for joining the Fiber for all movement!

don’t forget to follow them on twitter @fiberforall

Faster Intera old snet, Phone, T.V, and computer all connected together. who could ask for more. go visit the site right now.

This would be a dream come true for us, we have T.V’s with no buttons, a old slow computer, and  a phone with broken caller id, we need a change!

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