If I see a great bargain, i’ll but it. Even if the clothes won’t fit my kids for a year or so. They grow so fast, and usually you won’t find great bargains like that. Yesterday I found Disney baseball caps and even full summer outfits for $1.00 a piece. stocked up. My son is only twenty months and i bought outfits all the way up to 3T. He’ll be there soon, so why not.
I love shopping at outlets and thrift stores for my kids, you find amazing deals, brand names, and great styles. I know when people think thrift store, you think used, cheap. Actually a lot of the clothes are gently used, and I’ve even found clothes that are brandnew with the tags still on.
I try and teach my children about saving money. I always tell them that you should always try to hit the clearance rac first, toI’ve also taught them that name isn’t everything. its quality and price that really matters.
I have to admit that I am really bad about shopping. I usually will buy kids clothes when i see a great bargain, if my kids need clothes or not.
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