United Healthcare Student Resources

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I was given the opportunity to Write about this campaign with Momselect and UnitedHealthcare StudentResources, www.K12StudentInsurance.com, a division of UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company, who has been dedicated to student insurance programs for over 40 years.  Because UHCSR focuses on students, they have a better understanding of the unique needs of this age group (children 5-18 years old).

If your student does not have health coverage, or your paying too much, this is a great opportunity for you.

Some Great information you need to know about United Healthcare Student Resources:

The plan offers coverage for when your sick or injured anytime. 24/7 all year long.

The United Healthcare Student Resources program is only available through many participating school districts and participating private schools. Nationally available through schools that belong to the Association of Christian  Schools International.

It is available for students K-12 grade and ages 5-18(ages 4-18 in Texas)

The healthcare is designed to be affordable at only $588 a year, or $98 every two months. Plus you can enroll your student at any time during the School Year.


I’m really excited to hear abut this great plan, with the economy being bad, and tons of people without  insurance, this is a great way to get students the health coverage, shots they need for school.

Right now my daughter is barely starting preschool, but if this offer is still available in the future i would love to get my children enrolled. Finally

Thanks to mom select and United Healthcare for this opportunity. I am being compensated for this post.

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