Aunt Jemima Pancakes & the Morning Moments Contest

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 Aunt Jemima is one of the worlds most recognized trademarks and is associated with high quality great tasting breakfast products for over 100 years.  Aunt Jemima frozen breakfast products offer a easy solution to breakfast, with a full variety of homemade tasting breakfasts that can be prepared in the toaster or microwave.  No matter what your tastes, Aunt Jemima has the perfect frozen breakfast, including light and fluffy pancakes, waffles, french toast, single serve entrees and breakfast sandwiches. Available in all Grocer’s freezers for $2.79.

They just added a new pancake flavor to their delicious frozen breakfasts, blueberry.  I was given a coupon to try them out, and i have to say they taste just like your making them from scratch. The blueberry even gives it a little extra kick! The only downside, well at least for my family is has milk. i have members in my family that are allergic to milk.

Aunt Jemima Frozen Pancakes wants to know how you add warmth to your mornings?

According to the Unites States Department of Agriculture, students who start their day with breakfast do better in school. Aunt Jemima Frozen products makes that possible, by offering  easy and quick breakfast products.

Entering the Morning Moments contest is easy! photograph a breakfast moment with your child/children and submit a picture along with a description in 100 words or less, of how you share a delicious,  warm moment in the morning with your child/children. To enter go to, The contest ends December 31, 2009

The prizes up for grabs are:

Grand prize-a warm getaway for four people! (worth $5000)

10 Finalists will each receive  a digital camera to continue capturing their family’s moments.(worth $200)

hurry over


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