Grocery Shopping with my kids

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I have to admit having 3 kids under the age of 5, grocery shopping is a nightmare. The kids ru through aisles, and do not listen. Lately though I have been challenging my daughter on her preschool knowledge, by asking her what shapes,colors and even characters are on some of the packaging.  I do have a hard time with navigating my kids away from certain things in the aisles, like candy, ice cream, the junk.  I just have been trying to avoid those aisles as much as i can.    My kids do ask for some good foods, mainly because they have characters. like campbell soup with princess’s, or veggies with Dora or sesame street on it. The problem with those is i buy them and then they don’t like it. The new Looney tunes foods, they do like. their favorite is the grapes with Tweety Bird on them.







How do you navigate the grocery store with your kids?

Don’t forget: Momlogic’s nutrition expert, Haylie Pomroy is answering questions about nutrition.   Send her your questions to [email protected]. She will post answers starting this week.   

I was hired by warner Bros. for this program

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One thought on “Grocery Shopping with my kids

  1. This week Target had some amazing sale prices on toys. I got my son a Bionacle on sale for $1 off plus you got a smaller version for free, saving $7 total. Since Lego and Bionicle’s don’t go on sale much this is a great deal. They also had Kin’ex buy 1 get a smaller version free. If my son does not end up with this on his Christmas list I have 90 days to return.

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