Morning Sunshine review

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Product Description: Robin Meade’s millions of fans know her as the composed, upbeat host of HLN’s Morning Express With Robin Meade. But before she was a household name, she, like countless other americans, struggled with anxiety attacks and an erosion of self confidence.

In Morning Sunshine!   Robin divulges with trademark candor how she fought through fears that nearly derailed her career. She reveals what made her question her abilities and her very purpose. She shares how she reawakened her passion for life and evolved into the beloved TV news personality she is today.

Robin offers inspiring”What I’ve Learned” nuggets in each chapter and helpful”Confidence Booster” tips throughout the book. Her personal journey comes to life in a way that makes you feel like your chatting with a friend over coffee.

Her refreshing sense of humor-and her belief that you can emerge a boulder, more confident version of yourself-makes Morning Sunshine! a perfect companion on your road to self-esteem and fulfillment.

***    I found this book very interesting. I love the Morning show with Robin Meade, and watch it every morning. I never would of thought she had all those things happen in her life to become the great anchor she is today.  It’s a great inspiring book for anyone.

this book retails for $22.99 but you can find it on amazon for $13.44

rating: 7

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