Walmarts round table and great value sampling

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If you shop at Walmart you have heard of the great value brand(Walmart brand). The great value team has launched a new program called “The Round Table” which is a survey based community for people who buy the great value brand.The Round Table offers users the opportunity to complete surveys regarding Great Value products. Each completed survey enters the user into a monthly drawing for ten $500 WalMart gift cards.







I got to try several different foods from the great value brand.  I tried the toasty o’s cereal, cinnamon crunch cereal, shortbread cookies, cheese crackers, and twist and shout cookies.

All the foods taste the same as the national brands, but I have tried frozen great value products and i don’t think they taste the same. The toasty o’s cereal i would say tastes better than regular Cheerios. Cheerios always left a nasty after taste in my mouth and the toasty o’s didn’t. The cinnamon crunch cereal tastes the same as cinnamon toast crunch.

The shortbread cookies i’m not a fan of. but my children loved them. The  twist and shout cookies Tastes the same compared to oreos.It would make them a lot better if they were in fresh packs that are resealable. after we opened the cookies they went stale fast.

The cheese crackers taste the same compared to cheese its or cheese nips.

Overall it saves you money and tastes the same. I’ve also tried great value milk and apple juice, they taste great. The packaging though is just boring. There is not much color and excitement to them. My children are very picky and it’s hard to get them excited about certain foods.  If it doesn’t have a pretty package they won’t eat it.  

You can find great value products at your local Walmart and

Disclosure: I received great value products for free in exchange for my review, this however does not change my personal views.

Thanks to Walmart More than Eleven Moms for this post

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