Holiday Gift Guide: Guitar Strings Bracelet from Wear Your Music

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Wear Your Music®is a company whose philosophy centers round our love for music and our desire to contribute to more than our own pocketbooks. We make Rock’n’Roll jewelry that ROCKS!

Hannah Garrison began crafting bracelets made from used guitar strings for musician friends and their families. Steve Bernstein was trying to find a unique way for guitar strings to garner advertising attention. He posted an ad on Craigslist that read: “Do you have any ideas for interesting products made with guitar strings?” Hannah contacted Steve and the Artist Bracelets were born.

The idea, embraced by numerous media outlets including In Style, and People Magazines,,, and, has grown to include participation by over 150 artists such as The Rolling Stones’ Keith Richards, guitar legend Les Paul and heartthrob John Mayer. The overwhelming response inspired WYM to begin offering a line of lower priced bracelets as well as charms, necklaces and an expanding Rock’n’Roll jewelry line.

****This is a great way to recycle guitar strings. My husband plays guitar and I hate seeing the old guitar strings in the trash or lying around. Plus if you choose to get Guitar strings from an artist it shows great support for them.I love this idea and the Bracelet is so cute. My only complaint is that it doesn’t have a clasp to secure the bracelet. So it’s easier to lose it. 


Retail: $9.99 if you want a bracelet from an actual artist $100.00


Disclosure: I received Product free of charge, in exchange for my review. this however does not affect my views on the product.

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