Choosing the right toy for your kids

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TIA (Toy Industry Association) has launched two helpful websites for consumers. you with all the information you need to choose the right toys for your family. From toy safety facts to free downloadable play guides, this exciting new site is a one-stop resource for caregivers and parents to discover everything about toys and play.

 They features videos, free downloadable play guides, recall and safety information and discussion boards. Plus keep checking back because they will be starting a roundtable discussion with toy exerts +moms.– lists the best toys of the year, as selected by toy industry experts. The site showcases the top toys nominated for the 2010 Toy of the Year Awards (TOTY), recognized as the “Oscars®” of the toy industry. Not only will you discover which toys the experts think are best, but for the first time, kids and parents can register for one (or more) of 12 prize packages, and can also vote for their favorite toys.

This showcases 81 of the top  toys, that have been nominated for the 2010 toy of the year award. The site features free downloadable gift shopping list which parents can use to help choose the most desirable gifts.

These sites are so helpful and informative.  the greatest site i’ve seen in a while for helping to choose gifts.  I have so much trouble choosing gifts, since my kids are so young. I usually choose toys that are not in their age group. Now I have help for choosing the safest, but fun toy. I will definitly be using these sites to help with my christmas shopping this year.

Thanks to Team Mom for bringing these sites to my attention.

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