saving money during the holidays

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I’m not an expert, but I like to try and save money around the holidays. It’s so hard though because there are so many deals and hot items.

1. ask yourself do i really need/want it. When you see a great bargain your impulse is to buy it, but most people just return it, it was something they didn’t need.

2. shop clearance-I shop the clearance section everytime i go to the store. Amazing deals, and you can put it away for the holidays.

3. Thrift stores- A lot of people don’t like shopping at thrift stores but you can find some amazing deals there. Including gently used clothes, toys, books and more.

The best time tip I can give you is to do everything early. I shop for christmas all year long because I know around Christmas time we are usually broke.   It’s not even december and our tree is up!

Another saving tip: if you are in the market for a real tree go to lowes or home depot, the are cheaper than a tree farm.

Ther are some great sites for helping save money. One of them is , they have over 40k coupns for 8000 stores. It’s definitly a great way to save money.

This post was sponsored by Staples and Twittermoms

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