Winners for 12/6/09

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New rules for winners: If you win this prize on another blog, please let me know so I can choose another winner. Most sponsors will not ship 2 prizes to one person.

All winners are chose through

Mickey’s Choo Choo Express-#47 Sky(claimed)

Handy Manny-#82-Karen M(claimed)

Consumer reports-#9 Rebecca Orr(claimed)

1 yr supply viva-#95 Jessie C(claimed)

Name your Tune Cd-#56 Thao(claimed)

century of flavors-#17 Kelly, #41 Julie L.(claimed),#27 Justine M, #6 Cheryl Wilson, #19 Carla Pullum

Frosty the snowman-#77 Anita Martin(claimed)

all winners have until Tuesday at 6 am est to claim your prize. I will try to email those who haven’t been contacted through twitter.

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