Cheerios 100,000 book review(closed)

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Cheerios has teamed up with author Jon Scieszka to donate 100,000 books to community based programs serving children. Such as daycare, head start and more. The average middle-income neighborhood has a 13-1 ratio of age appropriate books for children. While a low-income neighborhood has 1 age appropriate book for every 300 children.

You can help them donate books. Just go online with your child and test your combined knowledge of children´s books by answering trivia questions related to “Trucktown” and other great children´s books.

For every trivia question answered, you can vote for a state you would like to receive books. 5 states that have the most votes will get 20,000 books each. Wouldn’t that be so great for your state.

All you have to do to participate is go to

We love Cheerios and the frosted Cheerios taste so good, please support this great cause.



In honor of this great opportunity I’m holding a giveaway with My blog Spark.

You can win a prize pack of Cheerios cereal(i received frosted Cheerios), 5 books, a $25 Barnes and noble gift card.(pictured above)

To enter leave me a comment with your favorite Cheerios cereal(fruity, frosted, multigrain etc.


Extra entries:

subscribe to my feed-7 entries

follow me on twitter-7 entries

blog about this-7 entries

tweet this-7 entries done daily for 3 entries only(PLEASE ONLY ONCE A DAY)

Contest ends-1/10/09

I received the cereal, information, prize pack and giveaway from Cheerios through My Blog Spark.

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674 thoughts on “Cheerios 100,000 book review(closed)

  1. Hi, I’m looking all around to follow your bloggy and can’t find a link for it. Can you help me? Thanks so much!

  2. Here’s my daily tweet 1:

    We aren’t allowed to do ALL of that back to back tweeting like ‘DG’ did right?! I see him/her adding many more than 7 extra entries daily…which is like 42 extra entries daily for like just one day~that’s like spamming Followers every few mins! I’ve been entering this giveaway for quite some time now and can’t wait to hear who the Winner is but I just wanted to make sure what will count–that it’s fair.

  3. DG, you are **totally** spamming your Followers!! I’m surprised this is allowed even if it is unlimited entries. Doing it like this, a lot of tweets nearly every minute is spamming.

    1. 5 tweets for this contest per day is not spam . (If you read above it’s 1 tweet = 7 entries….hence, I’m not tweeting as many times as there are entries here). I am not going to argue but I do question why you are picking on someone you don’t even know on someone else’s blog. It’s rather presumptuous.

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