Simplify My Life Sweepstakes with HP and Windows 7

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HP Mini 110 by Studio Tord Boontje - front open by HP_PC. //  

I fought with my husband for 2 years over the computer, finally just a few months ago my grandmother(85) was so generous to by my a Dell laptop. No more fighting to blog. Yeah right, like that would happen. My husband is a college student and a laptop is now required in some classes.   So i have been giving up my laptop for him. We could buy him his own, but we have 3 kids and no job, so that won’t happen.

I am hoping to win a Hp mini110 by studio Tord Boontje, to help simplify my life. No more fighting with hubby over the computer. Plus I am a mother of three, all under the age of 5 years.  I always put my children over blogging, tweeting, anything having to do with the computer. One of the reasons a laptop came in handy, i can follow my kids around with my computer. the bad side is my computer is big and very heavy. Having a HP mini would make my everyday life so much simpler.

**If hubby gets deployed a 3rd time he can take it with him.

HP Mini 110 by Studio Tord Boontje - top lid closed by HP_PC. //  

Isn’t this just a beautiful computer?  This computers features are:

10.1 inch with mercury free led backlit display

packaging was created with 100% recycled material

1 Gb hard drive

plus so much more.

This computer is everything I need and more.

Plus if you leave a comment here, you have a chance of winning one of these HP minis, 3 winners will be drawn from all comments left on entry posts. So please leave a comment

By participating in this promotion with Mom Bloggers Club and HP, I certify that no intellectual property rights were violated, with the exception of verbatim inclusion of the provided messaging, photos, or video. All content is my own.

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42 thoughts on “Simplify My Life Sweepstakes with HP and Windows 7

  1. That design looks really cool! I would love to win this. Something this small would be really convenient for me since I need a computer for work and it is light enough to take on the bus which I use to commute every day. I could check e-mails & bills on my commute. My old laptop was actually stolen recently so I would love a new one! Good luck!

  2. I’m also a mother of 3 and have never owned a laptop! I do freelance work and it’s not very convenient to have to be tied to my home office at my bulky desktop computer. This laptop would be great to have so I can do work from anywhere in the house, or while waiting for my kids outside their art and gymnastics classes. And this laptop is just so pretty!

  3. I know an HP Mini 110 with Windows 7 would definitely simplify my life! Being a single mom of four, I’m always on the go, running the kids here and there and everywhere. Since I work online, I would be able to work from virtually anywhere with a Tord Mini, for instance, waiting during soccer practice or between wrestling matches! And the HP Mini is so thin that it would fit in my handbag!

  4. A mini would definitely simplify my life because I wouldn’t have to lug around that big heavy laptop anymore!! And it would fit inside my handbag instead of being so conspicuous in a carry around laptop bag. And besides, you don’t always want to carry your laptop with you but leaving it in the car is a direct invitation to thieves to break in and steal it. Being able to carry it in my purse is a major advantage! Great giveaway!

  5. I love Tord Boontje! His lacy papercut designs are super cool, I love the way they blend old fashioned craft with modern technology. Obviously, this new collaboration with HP is a great example… I’d love to try the HP Mini even though I am usually a Mac girl!

  6. A HP Mini 110 would simplify my life by allowing me to keep up with all of my computer activities (blogging, emailing, entering contests, social networking, surfing the Internet, etc.) when I’m not able to be on my laptop (which just so happens to be a HP) for whatever reason. With 4 kids, the reason I’m not able to be on my laptop could be anything! :O

  7. This sure is a pretty HP Mini, so stylish & pretty! I can commiserate with having to share a computer.
    This HP 100 Mini netbook would be a blessing to our family as we only have one old desktop to share amongst our family of 7. We rely heavily on spreadsheets, lists,email and schedules, etc. to streamline our day to day activities, and the portability of the HP 100 mini would make it so effortless and stylish. Plus, mobile computing would be perfect to pass the time–when time stands still–like when waiting in a doctor’s office!

    Good Luck!

  8. I could really use a HP mini to simplify my life. I have a kid going into Kindy and a new baby, moved to a new state and trying to manage tons of appointments and schedules. This would really help me out.

  9. This is gorgeous! I really admire Tord Boontje’s work, I have some plates designed by him & love them! I’ve been looking to get a new laptop & this one looks fabulous!

  10. Thank you for a very educational posting. I got an HP Photosmart digital camera for Christmas and it is great. Click here if you’d like to check out my site. Thanks again – great site!

  11. I agree, an HP mini will be so much more convenient. Being in grad school, having a laptop all the time in classes is a given. With an HP, life will be simpler – I can have the amenities of a laptop without being as burdened with the weight of one (with books, my backpack can get really heavy).

  12. I do a lot of traveling and use a friend’s extra laptop while I’m on the road. It would be great if I didn’t have to use his and didn’t have to carry such a big thing through airport security!

  13. A HP Mini would Simplify My Life, while I am at home or on the go. At night I can work on my blog, that really needs to be updated without waking anyone up, I can enjoy a little quiet Mommy Time. I can quickly get to my photos and files, take notes, send a letter off to friends, teachers and family, able to work on my scrapbooks while sitting and waiting for the kids at band or dance practice,very lightweight to take with me on the go. I can easily use my calendar and look at our busy schedules.
    karenmed409 at comcast dot net

  14. I would love to win this laptop because it would help make me be able to communicate when I am mobile. I don’t have a iPhone, nor a iPod Touch, and I really don’t have a way to communicate with friends and family when I am on the road. Winning this laptop would give me that ability. Thank you for this chance! It would be incredible to win this.

  15. What an awesome giveaway! This beautiful HP mini would be so much simpler to take along with us on our travels. Who am I kidding? My hubby and I would most likely be scrambling to be the first to get our hands on it in the evenings as well! (the loser would get to use the old, slow, no-battery-life laptop) Seriously, I love the screen size, love the fact that it has Windows 7, and love the way it looks. Good luck to all!

    [email protected]

  16. I bought 800$ brand new laptop in May of 2008 for my birthday and it has windows Vista and Vista is the most frustrating, confusing, and overall worst OEM i’ve seen. It has made my life alot harder because I have to nag my husband atleast once a week to fix my computer and he is getting a little tired of hearing me bitch about 32bit and 64bit and 86x this 32 panel that. So when windows 7 came out they offer a free upgrade to those with new computers and I missed the free upgrade by 8 DAYS!!!! Money is always a little tight so forking out another 200$ for an OEM is not in my ball park. Maybe one of these days my luck will start, just maybe

  17. What a pretty design. I wanted one of these small computers for Christmas, but I didn’t get one. Thanks for the chance to win one!

  18. Sorry! I had 2 blog posts open and I called you Mandy thinking I was on that one! Delete my last comment? And leave this one? Good luck to you!!! Good luck to me? LOL Good luck to both of us!

  19. 3rd time deployment- that would be just cruel….

    i would love to simplify my life by taking the net with me wherever i go!

    would love to win!

  20. I was looking at the HP mini Tord and Windows 7 and love all the features of both. The laptop is beautiful and Windows 7 features would really simplify my life.


  21. I would really like to win this! I want to be able to move my workstation around and these are so lightweight!!

  22. Man my life could use some simplifying! I would love to be able to write my blog posts on the go or during lunch breaks. Now if the HP Mini 110 could help me get my daughter to sleep through the night, I would be in LOVE (even more!)

  23. This would be great! I’d love to be able to work on the go, like while I’m waiting for the kids to finish piano or dance lessons.

    ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

  24. I would love to win this. It simplify my life so much being the mom of 2 under 2 with lots of goals and dreams! Good luck!

  25. I am in the process of trying to start my own business and I currently work from home…but I rarely stay in one place with my laptop. As I suffer from degenerative disc disease in my cervical spine – coupled with a heavy laptop – changing my “workspace” throughout the day is NOT an easy task.

    The HP Mini would simplify my life by allowing me to move my computer from place to place on my own…no more bothering the rest of the family! This netbook would be a true lifesaver!

    Thanks so much!

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