Are you kidding

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So all I’ve ever wished for is a trip to Disney world. My family and I have never been.  We don’t want a free trip, but If I am invited alone for free I would go.

I received an invitation to go to the Social Media Moms Disney event. Meet mom bloggers and have fun at Disney, sounds like a dream right. NO, actually it’s not! All these bloggers rant and rave about going to Disney free all the time. Disney mom blogger events etc. We’ll if I want to go to a blogger Disney event I have to pay $350 dollars, plus if I want family to attend $150 extra per person. That is F****in rediculous. I’m poor, I could take my family of 5 on a vacation for $350.

If your going to send me on a blogging trip, it has to be for free. Also we are parents, why have blogging trips on weekdays when we have duties to our children.

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6 thoughts on “Are you kidding

  1. How do those mom bloggers get to go for free? I’ve often wondered how the pr is very useful anyway. Who doesn’t already know about Disney? I’m sure I’ll never have the money to go while my kids are still young enough to enjoy it, but I sure hope you’ll get a free ride soon!

  2. I agree with you! There is no way we can afford that, what I wonder is how all these other bloggers get to go so often!?

  3. Actually, it’s $350 for the attendee and 3 additional family members. So for a family of 4 it’s only the $350. We paid that and are going. It’s only $150 for each additional over 4 that is going.

  4. Did you contact the number on your invite? Maybe you should. I have only talked to a couple of other moms and they had the same amount.

    1. i was wrong i’ll admit. damn i really want to go, but i have Grad school interviews that weekend

  5. Ok..good. Not that you were wrong. : ) I just didn’t want you to miss out if it would have been because of $$. Good Luck with Grad School!!

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