Kodak at CES K-zone panels(giveaway)CLOSED

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CES(Consumer Electronics Show) is happening in las Vegas. It’s a bunch of companies showing off products they want you to put in your home.

Kodak is one of those companies and they don’t want you to miss out. They are live streaming their K Zone panels.

Some of the Panels going on are:

The New CMO(Chief Mommy Officer)Live 1/7/09 at 11:00pm pst–  A look at today’s CMO’s and how they create, share and relive moments in their lives. Speakers include: Tina Sharkey (Chairman and Global President, Baby Center), Jill Zarin (The Real Housewives of NYC), and Jen Drexler (Director of Brand Insights, Just Ask A Woman).

It’s All About KISS Thursday, January 7 at 12:00 p.m. PST-Hear from leading women in technology about why simpler is better in today’s fast-paced world.  Speakers include: Linda Tischler (Senior Writer, FastCompany), Tina Sharkey (Chairman and Global President, Baby Center), Pam Sherman (author and public speaker known as The Suburban Outlaw), and Jen Drexler (Director of Brand Insights, Just Ask a Woman).

The M-Suite Friday, January 8 at 3:00 p.m. PST-How momtreprenuers and stay at home moms are building successful businesses. Speakers include: Amanda Robinson (NaturalMommies.com), Sharon Napier (founder, Partners & Napier), Susan Tousi (Kodak), Soleil Moon Frye (actress), and Stacie Haight Connerty (blogger, Thedivinemissmommy.com).

Help, My Mom Friended Me on Facebook Friday, January 8 at 11:00 a.m. PST-Kids eight and under will never know what life was like before Google. Learn how technology is changing their lives – and their parent’s lives in the process. Speakers include: Pam Sherman (author and public speaker known as The Suburban Outlaw), Susan Getgood (Blogwithintegrity.com), Jill Zarin (the Real Housewives of NYC), Linda Sawyer (CEO of Deutch), Christy Matte (editor of the Family Computing Guide, About.com).

Father Knows Best Friday, January 8 at 5:00 p.m. PST-It’s time to hear from the dads! Hear from these tech savvy dads on how they use technology with their kids, and the lessons learned. Speakers include: Michael Ferrara (TechnoDad), Jeff Hayzlett (CMO, Kodak), Fred Fishkin (technology reporter, Bloomberg Radio), Jackson Lynch (WIRED).

To view the recorded videos and to live stream the K Panels visit www.kodak.com/go/ces.

They don’t want you to miss out on the freebies either so Kodak is letting me giveaway a Kodak D830 Digital frame

This frame retails for $139.95

To enter visit www.kodak.com and tell me your fav, Kodak product.(don’t forget to check out the K Panels)

Extra entries:

Blog about this-10 entries

subscribe to my feed-9 entries

Tweet about this-7 entries (can be done daily for 3 entries)

follow me on twitter-4 entries

comment on any other blog post-1 entry(tell me what post)

contest closes 2/4/09

Disclosure: Kodak provided me with a free product for being part of CES at home. they are also providing product for giveaway.

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586 thoughts on “Kodak at CES K-zone panels(giveaway)CLOSED

  1. Ohhh…I so need the NEW Kodak EasyShare M580!! Nice! Now, I just need over $200 to buy it. haha.

    Thanks for the chance to win the Digital Frame though. It is really nice looking!

    bekki1820cb at gmail

  2. I love this site. Everytime I come here I end up sitting here for WAY 2 LONG !! LOL Thanks admin.

  3. My favorite is the KODAK ESP 9 All-in-One Printer. I could do some serious scrapbooking with that printer!

  4. The Kodak theatre HD player sounds amazing. Would be great to use to show photos during a wedding or party too.

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