Kraft’s new foods: Applewood smoked bacon(giveaway)

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The new Oscar Mayer super thick cut applewood smoked bacon is sliced twice as thick for more bacon per bite. The bacon is smoked for hours with applewood chips for a restaurant inspired bacon experience.

Some facts about this new bacon:

  • is the first super thick bacon available nationally that offers restaurant inspired taste.
  • twice as thick as regular Oscar Mayer Bacon with nine slices per package.
  •  made from a more premium cut that’s specially selected and hand trimmed to meet standards of restaurant chefs.

****These are big slices of bacon, but are very delicious.they take about 10-12 minutes to cook, but it is very well worth it. The downside to the bacon is there a 7g of fat per slice. This is the bacon you would want to use on a bacon cheeseburger.

availability: in stores nationwide December 2009

Retail price: $4.50 per package

size:16 oz 9 slices


Disclosure: Kraft sent me a product at no charge to for my review, and also offered coupons for giveaway.

I have 2 coupons to giveaway for a free package of Oscar Mayer super thick cut bacon.

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contest closes 2/6/09

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216 thoughts on “Kraft’s new foods: Applewood smoked bacon(giveaway)

  1. main entry: Oh, the scent of bacon is almost I say almost better than the real thing! We love bacon and that Applewood smoked flavor just sets it to the top! We love it with bisquits & gravey here in good old tennessee, so thanks for this tasty giveaway
    sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

  2. This bacon is one of the best products I’ve bought in a long while. It’s well worth the price, and while its not as thick as some other brands of thick cut. Its still a nice flavor

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