Country Bobs sauce review

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All Purpose Sauce (Case) 

From site:In 1968 Country Bob perfected the sauce of his dreams. After years of giving the sauce to friends and family he began to sell it in 1977. The reaction was overwhelming just as it is today. Almost everyone who tries Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce becomes a lifelong user. And why not, it is the perfect complement to practically any meal set on your table.

I was able to try  Country Bobs all-purpose sauce.

**** It was okay, I’m not a big fan of steak sauce, but I love BBQ sauce. The all-purpose sauce tasted a lot like A-1 just sweeter. I tried it on chicken and french fries. You can put it on almost everything, steak, fries, hamburgers, chicken, and more.

Retail:$2.00 in most stores

Rating: 6

Disclosure: I received the product courteous of the company for my review.

stay tuned I will have a giveaway for this product soon.

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2 thoughts on “Country Bobs sauce review

  1. Pingback: Best BluRay Disc
  2. I have to agree I love the Sauce! I have some in my cupboard right now! Love making beef and this makes it taste so good!!!
    Carla in California!

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