Family Guy: Something Something Something Dark Side Review

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Synopsis:The story of The Empire Strikes Back is retold.  Darth Vader (Stewie) is hunting the rebel Luke Skywalker (Chris) and his troops relentlessly across the galaxy.  On the ice planet Hoth, Luke has a vision of his late mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi (Herbert), telling him to go to the Dagobah system to learn the ways of the Force under Jedi Master Yoda (Carl).  Meanwhile Princess Leia (Lois) finds herself taking a shine to the scruffy pilot Han Solo (Peter) and, against all odds, the two soon fall in love.  But an encounter with Han’s old friend Lando Calrissian (Mort) lands them in the clutches of the Empire.  Envisioning this, Luke chooses to forgo his Jedi training to save his friends.  It all comes to a head in a climactic confrontation with Darth Vader himself.

Special features:

  • Audio Commentary 
  • Behind-The-Scenes Featurette – “The Dark Side of Poster Art”
  • Pop-Up Video

****This movie is very funny, my husband and I laughed all the way through it.  It wraps around the Star Wars theme, but goes hard-core. My favorite scene was probably the beginning, The credits that came up, because they are criticizing Fox network and how they’ve canceled Family Guy twice, plus money issues.  This is not appropriate for children under 15 I would think. There are body parts being sliced off, sexual humor and the F word a lot.   The special features were not all that great, a pop up featured that gave you facts, the cast and crew sitting around, and talking about different posters for this movie.

Release date: 12/22/09


Running time:44 minutes

MY Rating:10

Disclosure: I did not receive compensation for this post. I did receive a product to for my review

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