5 Disaster Relief Myths Explained

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I know I am kindof skeptical of giving money to relief funds and charity, because you never really know where it goes.

www.worldvision.org US division is on the ground in Haiti and want to share where exactly donations go.

1.Collecting blankets, shoes and clothing is a cost-effective way to help -The cost of shipping these items from around the country – let alone the time it takes to sort, pack and ship them – is prohibitive and entails much higher cost than the value of the goods themselves. World Vision has relief supplies already stocked in disaster-prone countries as well as in strategically located warehouses around the world.  World Vision had supplies pre-positioned in Haiti in preparation for hurricane season, which allowed the agency to respond immediately to last week’s earthquake. 

These supplies are designed to meet international standards for humanitarian relief and are packaged up and ready to deploy as soon as a crisis strikes. Cash donations are the best, most cost-effective way to help aid groups deliver these life-saving supplies quickly, purchase supplies close to the disaster zone when possible and replenish their stocks in preparation for future disasters.

2.If I send cash, my help won’t get there-Reputable agencies send 80 percent or more of cash donations to the disaster site; the rest is invested in monitoring, reporting and other activities that facilitate transparency and efficiency in their operations, as well as in sharing information with those who can help.  Donors have a right and a responsibility to ask aid groups how they will be using those donations, and what will be done with donations raised in excess of the need. Transparent and effective organizations will readily provide that information.

3. Volunteers are desperately needed in emergency situations-While hands-on service may feel like a better way to help in a crisis, disaster response is a highly technical and sensitive effort.  Professionals with specialized skills and overseas disaster experience should be deployed to disaster sites.  Volunteers without those skills can do more harm than good, and siphon off critical logistics and translations services.  Qualified disaster professionals ensure that help is delivered effectively, safely and efficiently.

4. Unaccompanied children should be adopted as quickly as possible to get them out of dangerous conditions-Hearing about the specific needs of children often sparks a desire to adopt children who seem to have lost their families.  However, early in a crisis, children need to be protected, but should remain in their home countries until authorities can confirm the locations of their family members and explore adoption possibilities within their own communities and cultures.  International adoption may be the best solution for some children, but it is too early to know for sure in the first weeks of a crisis.

5. People are helpless in the face of natural disasters-Even in the poorest countries like Haiti , people often reveal a great deal of inner strength and often show a resourcefulness that can save lives.  While support and aid are necessary, the Haitian people are by no means helpless.

 Thanks to world vision for sharing this info with me.

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One thought on “5 Disaster Relief Myths Explained

  1. Thank you for this list. It is easy to get sucked into the emotional vortex the media loves to create whenever something like this happens. Thank you for your sensible advice so that we can contribute in a way that will truly help the people and not add to the chaos or fund their corrupt government. I am not affiliated with this organization, but I would just like to share that I have heard many great things about Heifer International. It is another reputable place to make donations.

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