Send Him A Sexy Gift For Valentines Day(giveaway)CLOSED

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Men are so hard to shop for, I usually just give my hubby a homemade card and a fun night!  I recently came across a great gift idea for your special someone.

The idea is not for you to wear the panties (i guess you could try). The panties arrive in a black envelope and it tells him to go to and look for your special message.  The pantys are just to get his attention, and get him in the mood for a romantic evening!

I have one code for a panty gram to giveaway

To enter tell me who you would send this to?

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contest closes 2/10/10 12pm EST

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this post. the company is providing a product for giveaway.

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54 thoughts on “Send Him A Sexy Gift For Valentines Day(giveaway)CLOSED

  1. Can I send this to myself? I can always use free undies – LOL. Just kidding, I guess I would send this to my fiance. Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. If I were to win this sexy Valentine’s Day giveaway, I would send them to my fiance. He would definitely appreciate them. We always try to do clever things for each other and this year we have to be “frugal” about it. This would be great!

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