Why I would love to have a 42″ Vizio LCD TV

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Having  bigger T.V., is all Jack and I talk about.  We say when we get a lot of money we will buy one, but things always come up.  Someday we will get one.

www.yourreviewelectronics.com is giving away a 42″ Vizio LCD TV. Now here is why I think my family needs one.

We have never owned a big tv, it’s always been 19 inches or less. As a family of 5, we constantly fight over volume control and how close to sit. Our Tv is small and our living room is big. 

My children love to watch movies and cartoons in the morning, but sit to close to the TV, they say they can’t see.

We would love to invite people over to watch world series, superbowl etc.

I just think that this would be a great addition to our family, and a dream come true to Jack and I as we could never afford one.

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