Movin On Up With a Great News

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Okay I don’t know if that’s the best title.

graduation.jpg GRADUATIONS image by sissychrissy2008

So my hubby graduates in May, with a BS in Chemistry and a BS in Biology, double major. So this past year he has been applying and attending grad school interviews. He was accepted everywhere he applied, with the acception of two schools we have yet to hear from.

Our number one choice accepted him! Cold Spring Harbor(Watson School of Biological Sciences). We are super excited and will be moving to Cold Spring Harbor, New York in late summer.Cold Spring Harbor is on Long Island and about 30 minutes from Manhattan.

I’ve never been to New York City so I’m excited and it’s a great opportunity as a lot of blogging stuff happens in New York. I still will not be attending Blogher, I’ve just never been into spending more than my rent to go to a conference.

So those of you that have been to New York City or Long Island tell me what i have to look forward too good and bad?

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2 thoughts on “Movin On Up With a Great News

  1. First of all, BIG congrats to your hubby! And second, enjoy it! I’ve never been to NY but I bet there are a lot of things (free and such) to take the kiddos to see and do. Plus, on the east coast it always seems like things are a short train ride away. Good luck!

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