Our decision not to have any more children

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My husband and I have decided to not have any more children. We factored in the pros and cons of having more children, and ultimately decided not to.

We have had 3 kids in less than 3 years,  and I don’t think my body can handle another baby.(i had extremely hard pregnancies)

My husband is still in school and financially we can’t afford it.

We are extremely busy, and want to focus on giving them the attention and love they need.

I am happy with my decision, and can always adopt.  Growing up I was told it would be impossible for me to have kids due to medical reasons. Boy I proved them wrong! I always wanted to have all my kids before I was 28 and that’s accomplished. I’m only 25.

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5 thoughts on “Our decision not to have any more children

  1. Girl I feel you on this one. Only I am the only one in the relationship who does. My husband would love another. probably more than one!! my last delivery was kind of scary so i don’t want to have any more!

  2. my only daughter too at now age 28yrs was told as a diabetic not to have kids but the Lord blessed her with my only grandson age 6yrs now and what a blessing he is to us all! Your right they need our full love and I say your blessed to have 3 wonderful kids, loosing one myself years ago I know what a blessing it is to have the loving kids we were blessed with. God Bless
    sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

  3. It’s good that you made the decision together. After I had Alec, when I was 24, we decided to not have anymore. My ex had another child, so altogether there were three. I am the one who had the tubal and if I could go back there is NO WAY I would do that again. First, I don’t believe for one instant that it was a “simple” procedure. I have had problems since having it and know many others who have had problems, as well. After our divorce, my ex had another child. That kinda stung since I was the one who couldn’t have anymore and he was the one who was so adamant about no more kids. He didn’t make me have the tubal, but since he refused to have a vasectomy I was strongly encouraged to be the one to have the physical change made.

  4. That is a decision yet to be made in our house. I want more kids so so BAD!! I have only 2, and I feel there is a little boy up there for me. So I would love to keep trying until he arrives 🙂 5 would be my max–LOL!! My husband is in school right now and our youngest is 3 1/2 so there may be a BIG gap when more babies come, but I can honestly say I am not done yet.

    I am so happy for you and being able to agree together what is best for your family right now.

  5. I know the feeling! I’m 24, have an 8 month old son and another boy on the way. We’re stopping at two with the decision to adopt a girl in five or six years.

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