My Blog Is Being Featured

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I just received an email that my blog is being featured at they found my blog by searching printer related information. Anyways this is the second time my blog has been featured somewhere.

I think it’s great that I’m starting to actually make a name for myself in the blogosphere!

To see my actual feature go here

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5 thoughts on “My Blog Is Being Featured

  1. Wow that’s wonderful Brandy 🙂 I really enjoy your blog and know others do as well. Great job & pat your self on the back for that one! Have a great day.
    sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

  2. That is just so awesome. I’m very happy that your blog is featured again and that your making a name for yourself in the blogosphere!I know that I really enjoy your blog and that you put a lot of work in to it. I’m glad to see that your hard work is paying off because you deserve it. Hope you had a Happy Easter!

  3. thanks for sharing .
    I really very like here . I will come here often .

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