My Wee View-Tech40 pedometer watch/4/23/10
Rockin mama-Leapfrog tag reader/4/25/10
A Child writes-1 month free access to
Rockin Mama-Disney Earth day prize pack/4/29/10
My Wee View-lunchbox/4/30/10
Mom Knows It All-$100 Mens Wearhouse gift card/4/30/10
Here and There-Lysol no touch hand soap system/4/30/10
Val’s Kitchen-Hersheys smores prize pack/4/30/10
Mom Knows It All-Energizer Batteries/4/30/10
Here and There-Energizer Batteries/5/1/10
Sweeps 4 Bloggers-Vista print womens t-shirt/5/2/10
Born 2 impress-cruisinart waffle maker/5/2/10
Vals Kitchen-Souplantation dining passes/5/4/10
Pajama Mommy Community-Bluegala dress/5/5/10
Melinda Joy-Teleflora bouquet giveaway/5/6/10 at 12pm
Melinda Joy-Down East Basics item/5/7/10 12pm
Melinda Joy-book Clean Well-Lighted Sentences/5/12/10 12pm
Melinda Joy-Quiznos gift card/5/15/10 at 12pm
Melinda Joy-box of Rosas fudge/5/19/10 at 12pm