Getting ready for Summer fun

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This will be our last summer here in North Carolina, we are moving to Cold Spring Harbor NY(1 hour from NYC). So we are going to try and make this summer great by visiting the beach, Boon, meuseums, zoos here before we leave.

The kids have already started the fun

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One thought on “Getting ready for Summer fun

  1. I wish you the best of luck on your move. We were in the navy for 20 years and moved alot and always being from the north state of Tenn when we moved once to Penn we visted both NYC and the outer skirts of NY in the poconos and what a differance from each one, I loved the poconos beautiful mountains with lush green trees fresh mountain air and really nice state parks to see, reminded me alot of Tenn and North Carolina that boarders us and our mountains. I’m sure you’ll love your new place & the adventures you will find there. Have a great summer its almost here for school out & I’m so glad so I can do more things with my only grandson. Take Care
    sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

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