Change your Oil with Jiffy Lube giveawayCLOSED

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April is both National Car Care and National Informed Women Month and a perfect opportunity to get empowered to care for your car! The average life of a car in the united states is 9.4 years. was created to help you find great information about motor oil quality and any other questions you may have.
  • According to a recent survey from the Automotive Service Association, more than 54 percent of customers who take their vehicles for service and repair are women.
  • Using a high-quality motor oil in the right grade can help maximize fuel economy.
  • Low-quality oils that do not meet industry standards or the vehicle manufacturer´s requirements could cost consumers in the long run by potentially damaging the vehicle´s engine or possibly voiding the manufacturer´s warranty.
  • Another reason to look to a high-quality motor oil – like Pennzoil and Quaker State – is that it is designed to meet the demands of today´s engines.

I was able to interview Jody Devere

1.    If you don’t change your oil regularly, how will it affect the car?

Changing your oil to meet your vehicles specification is the key to the survival of your vehicle. Using high-quality motor oil is also vital to protecting your investment. If major engine damage occurs from the use of motor oil that does not meet the manufacturers specifications, rebuilding or replacing an engine can cost between $1,500 to $3000, or more.

2.    If your tires are not properly inflated, will they eat up gas or ruin your car?

Tires should be inflated to the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations printed on the vehicle door placard or in the owner’s manual. Properly inflated tires can improve gas mileage by around 3.3 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. I suggest checking your tire pressure and tread levels once a month.  Keeping an emergency tire inflator product in your trunk like Fix-A-Flat is a good idea as well.

3.    What’s one way you can maximize fuel economy and save money without damaging your engine?

Motor oil isn’t something you want to skimp on. Using high quality motor oil like Pennzoil or Quaker State in the proper weight and grade can help maximize fuel economy. Investing in high-quality motor oil is worth minimizing the hassle of engine related failure – it’s cheap “peace of mind.”

4.    What is the best way for women to be more in the know when it comes to their cars? I mean I go for a tune up and I feel like because I’m a woman and don’t know a lot about cars, they don’t do a thorough job.

Here are some great resources to become more car savvy:,  and Knowledge is power, so the more we know as women, the better we position ourselves to make informed decisions as opposed to being given random direction.

 5.    What is the best oil for your car?

 Your owner’s manual is a great place to start. Know that motor oil is a high-tech product that performs a critical role within the engine; its quality matters. has a feature which can be found here: which helps you chose the best oil for your car and driving habits.

It is very important to get your car checked regularly and your oil changed every 3000 miles. To help you with getting your oil changed My Blog Spark is giving one of my readers a $35 Jiffy Lube Gift Card.

To enter tell me if you get your oil changed regularly?

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Contest closes 5/24/10

Disclosure: no compensation was received for this post. gift card, information and giveaway were all provided by Shell Lubricants and Jiffy Lube through MyBlogSpark.

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110 thoughts on “Change your Oil with Jiffy Lube giveawayCLOSED

  1. We are horrible at getting our oil changed on time! The light stays on for at least a week each time.

    ashleyreynolds1 at hotmail dot com

  2. Unfortunately I get my oil changed much less often than it should be.
    six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  3. I must admit, i do not, I let it go over and my hubby usually takes care of it.

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