Control your allergies with Lysol review and giveawayCLOSED

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Lysol Disinfectant Spray Crisp Linen Scent

Lysol disinfectant  spray kills 99.9% of illness causing bacteria and viruses including H1N1, common cold and MRSA. It even works to control the growth of mold and mildew, among the most common types of allergens.

Lysol disinfectant spray can be used on all surfaces like:

  • doorknobs
  • telephones
  • toilet areas
  • pillows
  • mattresses
  • so much more
Lysol Disinfectant Wipes with Micro-Lock Fibers
Lysol disinfecting wipes 4in1 are for use in your kitchen, bathroom and all over your house. these disposable wipes kill 99.9% of germs-even the bacteria that causes odors. no bottles, sponges and no mess.

Use Lysol Disinfecting wipes on surfaces where bacteria grows the most.

  • doorknobs
  • fixtures
  • telephones
  • faucets
  • appliance handles

both of these Disinfectants protect against bacteria like Staph, Salmonella, and E Coli

****I absolutely love Lysol, It is so great to have around when you have little kids. It gets rid of the odors from the diaper pail, disinfects the tray from the highchair.  The wipes are good for cleaning off placemats, everything in the bathroom and kitchen. They really help with allergens too, cleaning up dust, mold and dirt. This is really a great product. 

Retail: spray $4.69 and wipes $2.99

Found in all retail stores

I have a can of Lysol disinfecting wipes and a can of Lysol disinfecting spray.

to enter tell me your method of disinfecting.

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Contest closes 5/24/10

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for ths review. A product was provided by Lysol for my review.

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130 thoughts on “Control your allergies with Lysol review and giveawayCLOSED

  1. I actually use the Lysol wipes in the bathroom. They are great for wiping over everything after I sprayed out the cloth diapers. In the kitchen I have several different “green” sprays that I use and every-so-often I will also use bleach on the countertops to get rid of stains. I use Lysol spray around the trashcan and in the diaper pail and on our doorknobs and common areas that we touch.

  2. I combine Lysol wipes with my 7th Gen. bathroom products and it works wonderfully.

  3. I do just what you had listed. I spray the door knobs, light switches and electronics every Saturday morning.

  4. My favoirte way to disinfect in my house has always been using Lysol products. My favorite is their wipes I can go through the house in no time at all, door knobs, tv remote controls, counters and can even take them on the go.

  5. I normally use whatever cleaning spray we have, right now its 7th generation

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  6. I use Lysol wipes, but for the floors I use undiluted white vinegar since I always have kids around when I mop

  7. We disinfect with lots of Lysol in our home!
    six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com

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