Huggies Mom-Inspired Grant Program

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As a mom I thought it would be crazy for me to start my own company. The money and time would be to much. When I entered the blogosphere, I was amazed at how many moms actually own their own business, or created their own product.

It gets even better! Huggies a trusted brand amoung moms has launched Mom-Inspired Grant program.  If you started a business or inviented a product and want to take it to the next level, you should apply.

mominspired logo

Huggies Mom-Inspired program allows inventive moms to submit original, innovative and viable new business and product ideas designed to help make life easier for parents so that they can better enjoy everyday moments with their little ones. You can apply online at by June 11, 2010.

Disclosure: By posting this information, I am entered into a contest to win a $250 American Express gift card from MomSelect. I did not receive any compensation for this post and thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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One thought on “Huggies Mom-Inspired Grant Program

  1. I think it’s great when women can find non traditional ways to succeed. Anytime you can find that way, be it inside the home or outside the home, it is something to ‘go for’. I am amazed how well some bloggers do. Who would have thought even 10 years ago it would have been possible?
    You go for it!

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