Culturelle T-shirt Giveaway CLOSED

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Culturelle works to help promote overall digestive and  immune health.
Diet, stress, travel and even some medications encourage bad bacteria to
flourish in your intestinal tract. When bad bacteria outnumber good
bacteria, your digestive and overall health is open to a host of potential
concerns.  Culturelle, with Lactobacillus GG, safely and naturally replaces
the bad bacteria in your digestive tract with good bacteria leading to
healthier digestion and a stronger immune system.

Watch this video about Bacteria Hero


Unlike most-probiotic-fortified foods, Culturelle gets to where health
benefits are needed the most!  The Lactobacillus GG found in Culturelle is
one of the few probiotics that survives the strong acids of the stomach and
intestines and then has the ability to colonize the intestinal tract (where
70% of the immune system resides).

I have 2 I love Bacteria shirts to giveaway

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Tweet this-2 entries (can be done daily)

Contest closes-7/10/10

Disclosure-I did not receive any compensation or product for this post, the giveaway is being sponsored by the PR Company.

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14 thoughts on “Culturelle T-shirt Giveaway CLOSED

  1. Whoa good point… and they say to best way to learn a new culture is through the language or even the idioms.

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