Fathers Day Gift Guide: Fathers Day Off With Red Wine

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This Fathers Day give dad what he wants, a day off relaxing with red wine.

Description:Dad’s Day Off Wine is a great way to help Dad enjoy any “Day Off”. This wine is a tasty red wine that is well balanced, has delicious it flavors and a long finish. It is vinified using some of the finest grapes from Italy.

****I have to be honest so I’ll admit I have never drank more than a wine cooler ever. So it is only fair that I share my husbands opinion on this wine too.  For me all I tasted was strong alcohol and it burned my chest. It didn’t really taste fruity or anything just alcohol.

My husband on the other hand enjoyed this and said it was very mild for being made in 2007. It is a great way to just sit back and relax. He laughed at me the whole time for being a lightweight.  If you enjoy wine this would be a great gift for dad!


Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this review. A product was sent to me for tasting/reviewing. I am over age 21.

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One thought on “Fathers Day Gift Guide: Fathers Day Off With Red Wine

  1. Not a huge wine drinker either- to me it all tastes like Boone’s Farm (I am dating myself there as that was what everyone bought in the 70s/80s)
    Not sure either about the name- Dad sitting round on his day off downing a bottle of wine seems odd 🙂

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