Barilla Share The Table

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Everyone in our house has a busy life. weather it’s work, chores, school, running around. I find that most of the time, I am at the the table alone, or at least with my youngest child. I really like when we all sit at the table together, and talk about each others day.

Barilla launched “Share the Table,” a program aimed at empowering families to make the most of dinnertime. In it’s second year running, has a new look and great new recipes from Chef’s like Mario Batali, plus there are tips on how to get your family back to the table.  Barilla has even started a sweepstakes, called “Pasta Friday”, with great giveaways of pasta and pasta sauce. They also have launched the Mealtime Moments Contest, which gives families who commit to enhancing mealtime the opportunity to share their stories and win select prizes throughout the summer.

You can help donate a $1 to the Meals On Wheels Asscociation, by visiting and become a fan of Meaningful Meals.

I was able to try the Mezzi Rigatoni with Lentils recipe, It was very good and kid friendly my kids loved it.  We chose this recipe because there is no cheese.

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Barilla and received products necessary to facilitate my candid review.”

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