Staples back to School Blogging Event

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I was invited to Staples In NYC for a back to school blogging event.  I was introduced to some great products for back to school like

Glam Rocks Stapler-perfect for any girl to glam out the school year.$4.99

Zip It- so fun to zip it up and unzip, can hold pencils makeup or whatever you’d like.$5.99

Flexible Calculator- Make math funwith a bendable calculator. $3.99

***These products are so much fun and will definitly keep kids unbored. Yes school can be boring at times. The zip it is a lot of fun, and kindof a challenge too!

I was also able to meet a bunch of NYC bloggers for the first time, and I hope to see all them again soon. I met @gaynycdad, @nychica, @mommyfactor, @theprissymommy, @nycsinglemom, @liparentsource, @teacherker, @mslatina,

Staples is holding there 3rd annual Do something 101 campaign. A back to school supply drive, and this year they have teamed up with Nikki Reed(star of Twilight) to help promote it. Just stop by Staples Stores July4-September 18 and donate your products to those in need. visit for more information.

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this post. I did receive a back to school pack at th event, thanks to Mom Select  for inviting me.

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2 thoughts on “Staples back to School Blogging Event

  1. Looks like a very cool event- and I LOVE that folding calculator- wonder if it is stores yet?

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