Back to School with HP and Snapfish

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People are shopping for back to school earlier this year. For me I usually wait until August when school supplies are really cheap, or tax free weekend. The hot items listed this year for back toh school are Digital cameras and Smart phones.

To me a big item would be a printer thst does it all. I want to be able to print from my laptop(which is usually not anywhere near my office), make creative projects, and also be kid friendly.

The HP Photosmart e-All-In-One, your kids be able to print out all of their homework assignments and photos for show and tell, but they can also access new print apps including Crayola for coloring pages, PBS Kids for literacy, math and science activities or Disney for fun and educational after-school activities including coloring pages, games and crafts. Starting at just $99, e-All-in-Ones are also equipped with ePrint, a unique simple email address assigned to the printer that allows the sender to deliver a print the same way they would send an email message.

Another great back to school must have is Snapfish. This would be great for the office or maybe someoone going to college. Personalize your own mousepad, notebook sleeve , or desktop organizer. 

I think this is a great way to personalize a gift for the going away to college, so they have a picture to look at everyday while they are working!

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this post, I received a gift card for my review.

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