Back To School Lunch Packing Tips

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With school starting here are some tips for packing your kids lunch

  1.   Consider packing foods that are nonperishable and won’t require refrigeration.
  2. If you do pack perishable foods such as luncheon meats or prepackaged cheese & crackers, include a frozen gel pack or a frozen juice carton with the food in an insulated lunch bag or box.
  3.    Preparing lunches the night before and storing it in the refrigerator until you pack your child’s lunchbox in the morning can help keep food cold longer the next day.
  4. Don’t reuse packaging materials such as paper or plastic bags, aluminum foil, etc. as they can contaminate other foods and cause foodborne illness. Have your child discard all used food packaging and paper bags after lunch.
  5. Don’t overpack to much food, just what your child will eat.
  6. make sure your child washes hands before lunch and snack time for at least 2o seconds.


No compensation was received, tips were provided by NSF International.

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