Clorox Power A Bright Future

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 Could you imagine school without sports, art or theatre, with all the school budget cuts it may soon be a reality.  Extra-curricular activites are what make school so much fun, Clorox understands how important these programs are to education and thats why they have launched 2010 Power A Bright Future contest, to help keep these programs in schools.

The Power a Bright Future Program is a grant program aimed at providing necessary resources to help support school programs.   You can help nominate a school by visiting until September 27 and upload a photo and smmary of how the grant would be used in one of three catagories. 

 Education focused programs, sports and exercise based programs, and art focused programs.

 October 4 through November 1 america will vote for their favorite four needy programs and the week of December 8 the winners will be announced. Now here the exciting part, the winner will receive $50,000 grand prize grant, and the 3 runner ups will receive $20,000 grants.

Visit for more information.

** I was able to be apart of the Clorox event at Blogher and learned about this great program.

Disclosure:  Earlier this month, I attended Clorox’s 2010 Blogher session where I received free product.

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