New York Style with Avocados

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Now New York is known for the Statue of Liberty, Time Square, Empire State building.   Pizza is very big in New York (and NYC), so I thought it would be fun to try to make an avocado pizza. Given there are already recipes out there for  this, but hey it’s still good.

Avocado pizza

  • 1 thin pizza crust
  • 1 package mozzarella cheese
  • 1 can pizza or tomato sauce
  • pepperoni
  • 2 avocados

pre heat oven to 425 degrees. Spread pizza sauce on crust, sprinkle on cheese(use whole bag). add Pepperoni lots of them. bake for 10-20 minutes until crust is brown and cheese is melted.

Slice avocados and add them to top of pizza, serve and enjoy. DO NOT add avocados to pizza before baking, they will taste bitter.

I’ll admit sometimes i just buy a pizza from our local hometown shop and add avocados.

Another big thing is bagels again just add them on top of your bagel and cream cheese.

Avocados are very healthy at only 50 calories per ounce (3 slices), plus they are sodium and cholesterol free. You can use avocados in everything and they boast 20 vitamins and minerals per serving.

The MAHIA is holding a contest for the Big Hit, and want to see your hometown recipe. visit,  you could be a avocado league MVP and win avocados for a year.

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Mexican Hass Avocado Importers Association. Mom Central also sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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