Best Relationships of Gossip Girl

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Have you been watching Gossip Girl, the 3rd Season is now on Blu-ray and DVD. What I like most about Gossip Girl is all the relationships. My favorites are…..

Chuck and Blair these two have a on off complicated relationship full of lies.

Serena and Dan

These two had a sweet relationship but nothing serious.

**The relationships on Gossip Girl are very wierd and if it were real life grosse, I mean Chuck and Blair, Serena and Dan, Blair and Nate, Serena and Nate, It’s like all the friends date each others exes and it just goes back and forth. Even when Blair thought she was pregnant and was worried about who the dad was, since she slept with Chuck and Nate the same week.  These are all the drama and more of the show.

 “I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for Gossip Girl: The Complete Third Season – which arrives on Blu-ray/DVD on August 24. Pre-order your copy, and watch highlights from Season 3 here: !”

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