New Ragu Old World Style Traditional Sauce

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Between taking care of my little ones, getting them to school and everything else that needs to get done, it’s hard to find time to prepare a nutricious meal.  Thankfully Ragu, everyones favorite Pasta sauce now has two full serving of vegetables in every half cup of their traditional sauce.  It will be available in Retail stores soon with a better thicker sauce.

Every kid loves pasta and it’s so easy to make. If you want to be one of the first to try out the new Ragu Old World Style traditional pasta sauce visit

Disclosure: “Disclosure: I was entered for a chance to win a Ragú prize package in exchange for this post.  No monetary exchange took place

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One thought on “New Ragu Old World Style Traditional Sauce

  1. I generally stayed away from Ragu because I didn’t think it was as nutricious as other brands, but this will make me reconsider. I will also check the sugar content, but might be willing to give it another try. Kids’ definitely love the taste of Ragu!

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