If I were Famous, My Friends Would Be…..

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In the show Entourage Vince has all his close friends doing all his business, so he knows he has trust.       His older half-brother Drama, is also his chef, trainer and bodyguard. Turtle, his childhood buddy is also the assistanst and driver. E, Vince’s bestfriend is also his manager and Ari is his abrasive yet lovable agent.

If I were famous I am not sure how my friends would fit in, I don’t have to many close friends. My husband would probably be my manager, he knows best that family comes before my schedule, so he would know how to plan it right. My brother would be my bodygaurd, he is big and tuff.   My friend Christy would be my stylist, we went to beauty school together.  I wouldn’t want a driver or a chef. If I became famous, I would try to live a normal life, spend time with my kids,cook my own food etc.       The bad thing about having family and friends work for you, is if there is ever a down fall it would ruin your relationship.

You can now watch “Entourage” five nights a week!  Check your local listings here:  http://www.entourageweeknights.com/

Disclosure:  I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for ‘Entourage.

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