A Little More about Me

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I don’t write to much about myself, I am not really sure why but today I will

My name is Brandy Walleshauser

Favorite color is Purple and Black, even though i consider black a shade.

Favorite Movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas is My favorite, but I love anything by Tim Burton.

Favorite Holiday: Holloween

What were you like as a teen: I was a loaner in high school, and was bullied because I wore black all the time (kind of gothic) and was low income.

What are you like now: I am still kind of a loaner I don’t have to many friends, but have faded away from the whole black everything phase. Now that I am a mom my life is revolved around my kids.

What did you want to be: I wanted to be a mortician, but my feelings on that changed after I started having a family.

did you attend college: No I attended Beauty school for a year, but did not get to finish. I had my first child and my husband was deployed, so i thought it was best to drop out.

 Thats all i can think of right now, as you can tell i don’t get out much.  If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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