Holiday Gift Guide 2010: Things Remembered Personalized Playing Cards

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Product Description: Texas Hold ’em. Blackjack. Bridge. Whatever his game, a Game Night will definitely be in order after he receives this gift. The handsome case is elegantly presented in brilliant silver plate, with sophisticated weave texturing on the lid and lots of engravable space for his name or a playful message. Inside he’ll find two decks of durable, silver plastic cards. It’s a gift guaranteed to make any poker face crack a smile.

****This is the perfect gift for any man, who loves to play cards. The personalized tin comes with 2 sets of beautiful silver cards. My husband was immediately fascinated when he saw them. (Yes I was going to try and save them for Xmas, but there are no good hiding places in my house).  The personalization gives it a loving touch, and you can have it say anything. This is a great gift for the Dad, Husband or Brother.

Retail: $30.00

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, A product was received for this review.

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