I found A Store Doing Something illegal

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I live  in Huntington NY, right outside the village. Every year the village has a Safe Trick or Treat program, where all the merchants in the village hand out out candy. My kids and I walk into a store and see………

Now before I tell you let me just say that I  have worked several Retail jobs and know this is illegal, and my mom worked at Toys R Us for 14 years and has said they got in trouble for doing this.

I will not name the store but I found this

Yes that is Toy story 3 on a shelf for sale before the official release date of November 2, 2010. If this store gets caught before Tuesday, it’s like a 20,000 dollar fine or something.

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2 thoughts on “I found A Store Doing Something illegal

  1. Whoa, I used to manage a video store and I know exactly what you are talking about, we had one of competitors in town get caught releasing and renting the new videos before the release date.

  2. This happened to me once when I was managing an HMV. Walmart put a hot new release out 2 days early, but when I called the “hotline” to report it, they just turned around and decided it was okay to release it early, rather than giving Walmart shit and making them pull it off. There’s very little reason to care if favoritism is going to be shown.

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