Stacy’s Holiday sweepstakes

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The holidays are in full swing, Thanksgiving is only 2 weeks away and christmas is 47 days away. People are holiday shopping and preparing big feasts. It’s great to have those snacks on hand too for hungry guests.  One of my favorite snacks is Pita chips and Hummus! Stacy’s which makes “Stacy’s Pita Chips” is having a Holiday Sweepstakes….

All you have to do is visit and tell them your favorite holiday snack idea.   One lucky winner will receive a years supply of Stacy’s Pita Chips coupons, and a prize basket valued at over $750.

I was able to try Stacy’s Pita Chips and they were so yummy, specially with my favorite Hummus.

stacys simply naked       stacys parmesan

Disclosure: No compensation was received, information and samples were provided by Stacy’s through Mom Select.

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