Clorox Holiday Health Sweepstakes

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The holidays are always a really busy times for us moms. Cooking, shopping, decorating and so much more. You still want to make sure that you cook safely.

Clorox has provided some tips  to help out this holiday season

Food Safety

  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water before and after touching food
  •  Be sure to sanitize all your cutting boards to prevent cross-contamination. For plastic cutting boards, first wash or rinse with liquid dishwashing detergent and water. Then soak it in a solution using 1 tablespoon of Clorox Regular-Bleach per gallon of water. Let it stand for 2 minutes, and then air dry. For a wooden cutting board, use 3 tablespoons of Clorox Regular-Bleach per gallon of water to create a sanitizing solution. Wash, wipe, or rinse with dishwashing detergent and water, then apply solution. Let it stand for 2 minutes. Rinse with a solution of 1 tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water. Do not rinse or soak overnight.
  • use disinfecting wipes or dish towels soaked in water and 1/2 cup Clorox bleach mixed to help clean up spills.
  • Clean out your fridge of food that has been sitting in there for a while, then wipe down with Clorox wipes including the bins.

Health Tips:

  • Get your family vaccinated
  • Cough into your elbows, not your hands to prevent spreading germs while shopping
  • wash your hands often and carry hand sanitizer
  • sanitize your home, including light switches, door knobs, and faucets
  • While it may be the holidays, you should still eat well, exercise and get plenty of sleep.

Right now Clorox has the Holiday Health Sweepstakes going on where 5  people will win $50 gift cards and one lucky person will win $100 gift card to use for the holidays. All you have to do is tweet a tip about how you keep your family safe during the holidays using the hashtag #CloroxHolidays. Visit for more information and rules.

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose just sharing information from a awesome company

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