I Hope To Someday Have A Real Wedding

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Yes I am married and have been for 6 years. The reason for the title, well my wedding secret.

In 2004 after dating on and off my boyfriend and I decided we needed to live together if we were going to make it work. He was in the Army and we lived in different states. So I moved to Colorado, We were flat broke and didn’t have any or anything. We decided to get married, there was no proposing, no ring, we mutually agreed.

Off to Walmart to buy cheap gold bands and then t o the courthouse. We were married in front of a judge with no witness. No flowers, no Wedding Dress( I wore a black prom dress), no honeymoon, nothing, just us in a plain court room

  We didn’t tell our family we were married. My husband told his parents after a couple weeks, and I told mine after like 5 months. See I was 19 at the time and my mom hated that my brother eloped, so I didn’t have the heart to tell her. Plus she would of never let me do it.  I finally told her and she was so crushed, I hated myself.

So I have one small token of that night a single picture, well besides thats the night that I became pregnant but thats a different story. LOL

(No I am not pregnant in this picture, the dress is just makes me look fat.

I want the beautiful pictures and family and memories with a real wedding, someday.

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2 thoughts on “I Hope To Someday Have A Real Wedding

  1. Ya know, you are just as married as someone who went through a huge mess of a wedding with all the hoopla.

    Yeah, yeah I know we all have this vision in our heads of what ‘it’ is supposed to be like. It wasn’t always like that for your average person- just the wealthy had huge weddings, then it changed and the weddings are getting crazy big.

    Let me tell you a story- my husband & I had lived together for a year & moved to MN. His younger brother lived with us before he went to the Marines.His Dad, his brother, everyone either was or had served in the military.

    We were working our tails off and one Friday we decided to get married (money wise a huge wedding wasn’t an option on either side of the family) we went to the courthouse, and got married. No honeymoon, actually no privacy since his brother was there. Heck, we both went into work on Saturday! No pics, our wedding bands were from Sears(we had rings because we had a credit card)

    David and I will be married for 25 years this coming June. Our marriage outlasted everyone’s we know with the exception of 2 couples. Most of those people who had spent 5k, 10k + on their weddings have a photo book, a wedding dress in a box (if they kept it ) and are single or remarried.

    I guess what I am trying to say is this- it doesn’t matter how you’re married (unless you have very strong religious beliefs about it) or where you’re married, it’s all in the attitude and belief in marriage.

    Some couples will renew vows at 10, 15 , 20, or some arbitrary year and have a nice party. It wont ever bring the white wedding back,you won’t be a blushing bride , but it can be just as nice.

  2. I certainly agree with Ellen. We had a couple get married at our office by a co-worker who is a preacher. All of us in the office brought food for the reception. All of this took place during our lunch hour. More than 10 years later, I can say this is one of the happiest couples I know, and they have 2 of the most adorable kids I have ever seen.

    My husband and I had a small wedding at we have been married over 20 years. It’s all about the love for each other!

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