Being Green with Avatar Extended Edition Blu-ray GiveawayClosed

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Avatar is one of the great movies of 2010. The movie really makes you have a better appreciation for nature and helping the environment.

Avatar Extended edition features a video message from Pandora.  A Special Feature to watch with any member of your family who is concerned about the environment. It Features James Cameron’s trip to Brazil where we met some of the native tribes to show them his support, and to speak up against the building of a dam that will destroy the ways of the indigenous people who live there.

Watching this feature with your family, specially your kids will make a great discussion on helping the environment. On ways they can help the environment like….

  • Making sure the lights are turned off when you leave a room
  • Turning off the water when you brush your teeth
  • using tote bags at the grocery store, instead of plastic ones
  • carrying reusable water bottles instead of plastic ones, to reduce waste

I have 2 Avatar Extended Edition Blu-ray copies to giveaway

Please keep in mind these are Blu-ray copies and not DVDs.

Open to US and Canada

To enter tell me how your children help being green?

Extra entries:

  • Subscribe to my feed-8 entries
  • Blog about this-7 entries
  • Follow on twitter-5 entries
  • Leave a comment on any non giveaway post- 4 entries
  • comment on your favorite part of the movie-3 entries
  • Tweet this giveaway-2 entries (can be done daily)

Contest closes 1/20/11

Disclosure: No compensation or product was received. Giveaway products are being provided by sponsor

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413 thoughts on “Being Green with Avatar Extended Edition Blu-ray GiveawayClosed

  1. We’ve banned bottled water in our house. We purchased several refillable water bottles and use those exclusively.

  2. we recycle and we Planted trees this past Mother’s Day for our church,
    karenmed409 at comcast dot net

  3. #1 My favourite part is the first time we (and Jake) get to see the Tree of Life – it’s so breathtaking!

  4. #2 My favourite part is the first time we (and Jake) get to see the Tree of Life – it’s so breathtaking!

  5. #3 My favourite part is the first time we (and Jake) get to see the Tree of Life – it’s so breathtaking!

  6. they have now all swtiched over to stainless steel water bottles for school and outings and they have gotten used to using cloth bags instead of plastic , they all know who to recylce and the bigggest thing lately is they are all unplugging , when not using their electronics they now all unplug
    staceyx at telus dot net

  7. my favorite part of the movie is when Neytiri teaches Jake Sully how to fly the ikran #1
    staceyx at telus dot net

  8. my favorite part of the movie is when Neytiri teaches Jake Sully how to fly the ikran #2
    staceyx at telus dot net

  9. my favorite part of the movie is when Neytiri teaches Jake Sully how to fly the ikran #3
    staceyx at telus dot net

  10. My favourite part of the movie was when Neytiri saves Jake at the end and sees his human body for the first time. 2

  11. My favourite part of the movie was when Neytiri saves Jake at the end and sees his human body for the first time. 3

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