What 2011 Brings

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I’ve been thinking a lot about 2011 and what direction I want to take my blog. I don’t see myself being a big name blogger just because I still don’t have a lot of money to put into a design or anything.

I will be focusing more on writing about my life and family. Less reviews, but hopefully more giveaways. One major focus point in 2011 is weight loss, I am determined to get into shape this year. 

I’ll tell you more as the ideas run through my head.


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One thought on “What 2011 Brings

  1. I think weight loss is always on everyone’s mind 🙂 Are you going to try any particular system or diet?

    I am way older than you, and I need to exercise to keep fit- you think ‘baby’ weight is bad- try old lady weight- arg!

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